美國SUN太陽(yáng)溢流閥是一種液壓壓力控制閥,在液壓設備中主要起定壓溢流作用,穩壓,系統卸荷和安全保護作用。溢流閥在裝配或使用中,由于O形密封圈、組合密封圈的損壞,或者安裝螺釘、管接頭的松動(dòng),都可能造成不應有的外泄漏。 如果錐閥或主閥芯磨損過(guò)大,或者密封面接觸不良,還將造成內泄漏過(guò)大,甚至影響正常工作。
常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題 1.Where would I use a kick-down relief? One graphic example is on a portable grain auger for silos. When the farmer gets caught in the auger the kick-down relief trips and allows him to escape. 2.How big is a drop of hydraulic oil? There are exactly 250 Sun drops in a cubic inch or 15 in a cc. 3.Can I use a kick-down relief for my system relief? Maybe not. We build in a good amount of overlap in the kick-down reliefs to prevent false tripping. This means they are not as fast as our standard pilot operated reliefs. A direct-acting relief valve set just above the kick-down relief valve would be good insurance. 4.Direct acting, pilot operated, what do I use? Direct acting valves are used to prevent over pressure and pilot operated valves are used to regulate pressure. If you are unsure, use a direct acting valve. Sun's direct acting valves are very fast, dirt tolerant, stable, and robust. Sun's pilot operated valves are moderay fast, they have a low pressure rise vs. flow curve, and they are easy to adjust. 技術(shù)特性: 先導控制式,平衡滑閥結構溢流閥為常閉壓力調節閥。當進(jìn)口(口1)壓力達到閥設定值,閥開(kāi)始向油箱(口2)溢流,節流以調節壓力。此類(lèi)閥壓力調節精度高,壓力波動(dòng)隨流量變化小,并且調節平穩,噪聲小,響應速度適中。 1.可在口2接受zui大壓力;適合應用在交叉端口的溢流油路中。如果應用在交叉端口的溢流油路中,請考慮滑閥泄漏。 2.主級的阻尼孔被150微米的不銹鋼濾網(wǎng)保護。 3.因為滑閥的泄漏,不適合使用在負載鎖緊應用中。 4.油箱口(口2)處的背壓直接以1:1的比例增加到閥的設定值上。 5.所有2口溢流閥(除了先導溢流閥)在尺寸和功能上可互換(如:給定的外形結構尺寸閥擁有相同的流道,相同的插孔)。 6.配置EPDM密封圈的插裝閥可用在磷酸酯液壓油系統。暴露在石油基液壓油或潤滑油脂中會(huì )損壞密封圈。 7.W和Y控制方式是可以或不特定設定值。當沒(méi)有特定值設定要求時(shí),將采用標準設定,并全范圍可調。當按特定值設定時(shí),這個(gè)特定值將會(huì )代表閥的zui大設定值。 8.耐腐蝕螺紋插裝閥是設計用在易腐蝕環(huán)境中且閥型號帶后綴/AP以用來(lái)區分。(參考下面選項)。這些閥的閥體是用帶鈦或銅的不銹鋼來(lái)制造。內部零件是由與標準閥件相同的碳鋼含鉛合金制造。更多的細節,請參考結構材料頁(yè)面。 9.利用Sun浮動(dòng)結構減少由于過(guò)量安裝扭矩或插孔/插裝閥加工誤差帶來(lái)的內部零件粘結的可能性。
上一篇:Z大壓強350bar派克電磁閥D1VW004CNJW91 下一篇:SMC電磁閥裝配時(shí)法蘭上的螺栓必須對稱(chēng)